LoRaWAN, a solution for counting people and cyclists in remote areas

If you want to discover how LoRaWAN technology is revolutionizing connectivity in remote areas, you’ve come to the right place.

So far, tracking people’s use of tourism resources, counting people and bicycles, for example, has always been a challenge. After all, these are activities that depend on aspects such as connectivity.

But it’s a challenge that Arantec is proving can be overcome thanks to advances such as LoRaWAN devices.

And in this article we are going to show you how we are implementing this solution in the field, on the Trans-Garonne route.

Arantec’s solution for counting people and cyclists on the Trans-Garonne route

Contextualizing the territory

The Trans-Garonne route seeks to link the Department of Haute Garonne, in France, with Val d’Aran.

Itinerary of the Trans-Garonne in 2022. Source: TRANS-GARONA, a cross-border bike path along the Garonne river.

This is a 21-kilometer cross-border project that will connect the town of Lès with Chaum in Fronsac, where it can be linked to the Garonne cycle path to Marquefave and will eventually lead to Toulouse.

The objectives are:

  • provide a safe and signposted infrastructure;
  • to enable the design of tourism products and circuits that contribute to enhance the tourist attractiveness of the area and create new business opportunities, and
  • diversify tourist resources, offering a connection with other European cycling and hiking routes.
Section of the Trans-Garonne route, a tourist resource where Arantec has installed a solution for counting people and bicycles.
Source: TRANS-GARONA, a cross-border bike path along the Garonne river.

The work carried out by Arantec

Arantec’s participation in this project consists of providing a solution to analyze route usage. Counting people and bicycles, in short.

How? by installing LoRaWAN devices at 3 points along the route: Pònt de Rei (border with France), Aubèrt and Gausac.

Location of LoRaWAN devices for counting people and bicycles installed by Arantec
Location of counting points for people and cyclists.

This system allows us to collect information on the number of people and bicycles and direction that pass through each point.

The information is transmitted wirelessly to a LoRaWAN gateway, which is responsible for sending it to our management platform, providing a practical example of the possibilities offered by the recent LoRaWAN network extensionan initiative promoted by the Conselh Generau d’Aran in which we have also collaborated.

What are the benefits of LoRaWAN technology in this project?

LoRaWAN technology, deployed in the field thanks to Arantec, is the right solution because:

  • the cost-effectiveness ratio is relatively low compared to other manual or video-based counting methods;
  • the data provided are accurate and can even be transmitted in real time;
  • the long-range connectivity of LoRaWAN devices makes it possible to count walkers and cyclists in remote areas, overcoming the difficulties that traditional counting systems can have in this regard;
  • LoRaWAN devices have a long battery life, reducing maintenance costs and the need for frequent battery replacement, and
  • Arantec’s solution is easy to install and configure, which reduces the cost of initiatives based on these advances.

Why is it useful to count people and bicycles?

Many people may consider counting people and bicycles in areas like the Pyrenees a waste of time and money.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

The count of hikers and cyclists is key to check what use is being made of the tourist resources and at what time of the year there is more activity.

These data help to improve tourism planning and management, favoring the identification of potential problems and needs that contribute to improving the user experience. Having this data also strengthens analyses of the potential economic impact of these resources.

In summary, LoRaWAN technology and Arantec’s expertise is revolutionizing the transportation planning landscape in mountainous areas such as the Pyrenees and remote areas, providing an efficient, cost-effective and accurate solution for pedestrian and cyclist counting.

Do you want your territory to be the next one where we install a similar solution?Contact us!

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