Arantec and Global Omnium have installed the Smarty Flow solution at the WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) in Quart de Benager

Arantec y Global Omnium instalan la solución Smarty Flow en la EDAR de Quart de Benager

Arantec Engineering has supplied the so-called “Smarty Flow,” which consists of a Doppler radar that measures level, velocity, and therefore flow without contact with the water

Global Omnium is the first Spanish capital company dedicated to water management in our country. It is a national and international reference in the supply of drinking water, sanitation, purification, irrigation, and construction and maintenance of hydraulic works. Additionally, Global Omnium provides drinking water and wastewater services to eleven autonomous communities and more than 6 million people.

The specialized Laboratory and Inspection Entity of Global Omnium, known as General de Análisis, Materiales y Servicios S.L. (GAMASER), is not only a laboratory but has also made its way into the field of Inspection. It follows the Inspection Protocol for Wastewater Discharges aimed at Collaborating Entities of the Hydraulic Administration, being the second entity to obtain certification in Spain.

Source: ABC

Among the functions performed by GAMASER is the control of flow rates in water supply and sanitation networks, both for pressurized pipelines and open channels and collectors where water flows in free surface flow.

For flow measurement in pressurized pipelines, it has numerous flow meters along the entire network that allow for monitoring of the circulating flow rates. On the other hand, for flow measurement in channels and collectors, it utilizes level probes that, based on the water level and flow rating curves, can estimate the water flowing through them.


In the continuous improvement process carried out by GAMASER, they have taken a step forward by collaborating with Arantec Engineering to conduct a pilot test with equipment capable of measuring water level and surface velocity to obtain more accurate and real-time flow values.

Smarty Flow: The ideal solution for measurement in intakes

Arantec Engineering has supplied the so-called “Smarty Flow”, which consists of a Doppler radar that measures water level and velocity, and therefore flow, without contact with the water.

“Smarty Flow” is a device that can be adapted to measure intakes from natural sources in free surface flow, as in this case, as well as supply and sanitation collectors.

With this installation, Arantec strengthens its position in the control of free surface flow in intakes and also positions itself for measurement in channels and sanitation pipelines, aiming to provide a solution to municipalities and provincial governments for compliance with R.D. 1290/2012 for overflow control in sanitation networks.

Quart de Benager WWTP

The equipment provided by Arantec has been installed at the Quart de Benager WWTP, managed by Global Omnium, in Valencia, Spain, quickly and easily.

This wastewater treatment plant has a project flow rate of 60,000 m3/day and a total installed power of 2,300 kW. It supplies the municipalities of Alaquàs, Aldaia, Manises, Mislata, Quart de Poblet, and Xirivella.

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