Converts climate data into preventive actions

Anticipating weather events for unprecedented resilience

Sensometry specialists since 2005

Converts climate data into preventive actions

Anticipating weather events for unprecedented resilience

Sensometry specialists since 2005

Converts climate data into preventive actions

Anticipating weather events for unprecedented resilience

Sensometry specialists since 2005

Cloud solutions for the measurement and control of environmental phenomena

Visualize, manage and share wireless sensor data in real time. With easy and intuitive navigation that is both reliable and professional, and fully integrated with the Smartyplanet cloud platform.


Se instalan las estaciones de sensores Smarty en tan solo unos minutos. Los sensores empiezan a registrar datos automáticamente.

Smarty sensor stations are installed in just a few minutes. Sensors start recording data automatically.


Los datos recogidos se envían y se almacenan en la Nube segura de Smarty Planet. Desde aquí se muestran en la aplicación web en tiempo real.

The collected data is sent to and stored in Smarty Planet’s secure Cloud. From here they are displayed in the web application in real time.


Los usuarios pueden visualizar, gestionar, crear alertas y compartir los datos en redes sociales, en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar.

Users can view, manage, create alerts and share data on social networks, at any time and from anywhere.


In a world where natural disasters can strike at any time, geohazard monitoring becomes an imperative to protect lives, property and communities. …

Can a rockfall be prevented? Well, in a way, yes, it is possible. Especially in areas prone to this type of mass …

Plug and play installation

No complicated infrastructure

Best cost-benefit ratio

Multiple sensors

Wireless communication

Unlimited autonomy


Sensor networks

Web visualization

Super-reduced maintenance

Los datos se consultan desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión a internet
Para consultar los datos registrados, accedemos a la aplicación web de Smartyplanet. En ella, consultaremos los valores registrados mediante Smartys muy visuales

Data can be consulted from any device with internet connection

To consult the recorded data, we access the Smartyplanet web application. In it, we will consult the values recorded using very visual Smartys

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The control of water

Early Warning Systems for flood risk
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El control de la nieve
Gestión del peligro de avalanchas para vialidad invernal
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El control del tiempo
Estaciones meteorológicas, precisas y robustas
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El control del agua2
Sistemas de Alerta Temprana del riesgo de inundaciones
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Smartyplanet Solutions

Monitoring and remote control solutions, designed for the needs of each sector

Courses, flows and rivers

Snow monitoring

Water quantity and quality

Courses, flows and rivers

Snow monitoring

Weather station

Water quantity and quality

Weather station

Environmental sound quality

Air quality

Weather station

Weather station

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    Smartyplanet Solutions

    Monitoring and remote control solutions, designed for the needs of each sector.

    Sectors of

    Designed for the needs of each sector

    Water and Energy


    Smart cities




    Los datos se consultan desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión a internet
Para consultar los datos registrados, accedemos a la aplicación web de Smartyplanet. En ella, consultaremos los valores registrados mediante Sartys muy visuales

    Data can be consulted from any device with internet connection

    To consult the recorded data, we access the Smartyplanet web application. In it, we will consult the values recorded by means of very visual Sartys.

    Arantec Smartyplanet is formed by a group of engineers, programmers and interface designers. We have extensive experience in the field of engineering and we are specialized in wireless sensor networks (WSN) at the service of Smart Cities. We develop and produce our own software and hardware to offer our customers complete and reliable solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT).

      The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded Arantec the Innovative SME label. This distinction is a recognition that the Ministry grants to companies that meet a number of requirements and therefore have an innovative character, to establish a public policy that helps its growth and sustainability.

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